I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Week 40

AKA Golden Week
Well technically it should be called golden days as this public holiday doesnt ammount to a full week. It is Japan's longest vacation of the year and so is spent by japanese familys scampering around their country snapping photos and v signing at every opportunity. I however decided to enjoy fukui and not go off travelling anywhere. I havent spent a holiday in Fukui until now, so i spose its about time. Actually thats not the whole truth...i would love to have gone to korea or china but i am trying to save for the horrible event next month called Shakken (a kind or car MOT Tax thing that could set me back over 500 squid).
Monday- i decided to cycle to eiheji temple. it was a glorious day and i felt the urge to be out in the open and exercising. I forgot that eiheji was on a hill. It took me 70 mins to get to the temple and boy was i happy to arrive!! It was jam packed of tourists but i wasnt planning on going inside. Just a little walk and rest under the tree canopy. It then took me 55 mins to get home- thank god for down hill! It was a great cycle and will hopefully be repeated soon- although i will remember sun cream next time... That evening i played tennis too and then slept for a long time.

Tuesday was a very laid back day watching trashy tv, getting a few chores done, racket restringing, gym session and a coffee in starbucks with just me and Murakami. Bliss.
Wednesday was a school day and we had normal lessons which was a bit odd because it was the one and only day of school for the week. But it was a busy day and the lessons were fun.
Thursday and friday were simply spent playing tennis for numerous hours, riding my bike and a lot of nothinng else. I met john and kim on saturday after the gym and i drove us down to Sabae for the Azalea festival. The main park in Sabae was jammed full of japanese people, taking advantage of these rare occassions they spare the time from their jobs, to be with their families. There were some food stalls and a spectacle stand here and there because sabae is the place that makes most of japan's glasses!
the park looked lovely and bright. the sun shone through the petals and leaves beautifully. pinks, whites, purples and a few reds flowed down the banks of the hill. It was nice having a wander up to tht top of the hill, although the weather was a little too hot and reminded me of the heat that is still to come....

after wandering we sat down on the grass in front of stage where many people, old and young, were performing music or songs. we were in time for little cuties doing electric piano recitals. As we sat down i was amazed to see kids- whos feet hardly touched the pedals- playing really detailed and technical music. And then i realised that all of the kids were plugging usb memory sticks into these pianos to play the main portion of the tunes. then some of the kids simply played two different notes over the top! it was so funny! that evening we got sushi and then headed back home.

on sunday i went to tennis and then went back over to john and kims to watch my first (recorded) american football match. it was the SuperBowl or however it is spelt. we sat watching this apparently incredibly popular event with yummy foods and drinks. by the end of the loooooooooong game i still had very little idea of what american football was about, but nonetheless i had had fun with everyone!

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