I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Monday, April 30, 2007

week 39

School came and went this week. I was pretty busy and had some good lessons which is always pleasing. I actually had school six days this weeks because saturday was an open day for parents to come and observe lessons and then have some 100 meetings. The observation lesson i had went really well, and the kids were genki and attentive, bring in the parents more often i say!!

The kids had medical exams this week. They had to have a lot of different tests, checks and measurements. Really really really thorough. Each student had to give blood to be tested as well. I asked what the theory was behind running all these checks and i was told that they are just to make sure the students are healthy. But what are they checking for exactly?? It seems like a lot of work and effort. Its not like any of the kids would be given time off of school if they were ill any way! Ive heard that teachers have to have these tests too, im hoping i was just skipped over due to leaving in 3months time.
I had tennis on monday and friday this week and went to the gym every day too. I had tea ceremony on tuesday, taiko on wednseday and my class on thursday. All of which were fun and make me feel happy in japan. On this note i have to admit i have been having doubts as to whether i made the right decision leaving here after one year. I am in such a fortunate position and have had the best year really, added to the tax issues waiting for me at home, the increasing student debt and the lack of job... Maybe i have blown my frustrations out of proportion and could put up with them for one more year and save a nice sum of money?? But honestly, although the money would be ace, living away from family has been difficult at times, and putting up with this job where i dont feel challenged enough and the every day aggravations from language and culture barriers is too much for me to stand it another year. I know the decision is right for me. It has been a wonderful year and i dont regret it one bit, but come august i will be happily leaving fukui and taking with me a year of amazing expereinces and memories.
Slight side track... on saturday i met becca for a quick sushi stop and on sunday i went to kenko no mori park to play tennis in the blazing sunshine. It was a great morning followed by a fun and yummy bbq. It was a great day with nice people in the sunshine. That evening i met bruce, shari and jill at Zeniyas. It was nice to have a chit chat with cool people :)

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