I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

week 41

A busy ish week again
Tennis, gym, taiko and tea ceremony. After taiko on Wednesday I went with etsuko san to do ikebana- flower arranging. It was extremely interesting to watch a couple of ladies spend so much time, and think so carefully about arranging different flowers in very unique shaped dishes. Sensei actually had a book on ikebana in English which was amazingly helpful as there is such a lot of theory behind the art. I got the chance to make my own ‘freestyle arrangement’ which I was guided through like a 4yr old! But it was still fun and I got to keep the arrangement.

I also had my car shaken which is like an MOT although it costs an absolute fortune and lasts for 2 yrs.
On Thursday I had an elementary school visit which turned out really well. I was being observed by the children’s parents which was nerve racking but the lessons went really well and were a lot of fun, although as usual, knackering!
On Friday I had to go to a conference in fukui to discuss matters concerning leaving japan and what I have to do before I head home. It was a little daunting because there is so much to do and think about. I left the meeting feeling over whelmed and so becca and I went to starbucks to complain about our lives as usual! It was weird thinking about all the things I have to do before leaving, as I really need to get a wriggle on and start the ball rolling. It is mad to think I leave this country so soon.
On Saturday it was a lovely day so I cycled to Matsuoka park which was amazing. It is really big and well kept. It has lots of little paths, forrest areas, flower beds, streams, lakes and play areas. It was in full swing too with many families taking advantage of the good weather to have their picnics. I sat and read in the sun, and dozed a little too.
After this I went to Frisbee practice with john and kim. I decided to see if I liked playing as I thought it could be fun, and I was right! It was great and I felt good running around for ages. It is actually really difficult and energetic to play, but I loved these aspects of the game. After this exertion a group of us went to get sushi, and boy did we conquer the sushi! That night I watched 2 movies called Freedom Writers and Family Stone with john and kim which was fun. They are such good hosts and the movies were actually both really good.
On Saturday I played tennis and then met Meagan for coffee and doughnut in Ono. It was lovely to see her and spend time catching up over yumminess. I then trekked back to maruoka to play a little Frisbee and cook dinner with john kim and beata. It was a nice evening and the food was dericious.

1 comment:

Andy said...

EY! What about me :P hiding your secret love again I see! Those were my movies and everything. Silly Milly.