I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Friday, March 02, 2007

week 30

Another week. I’m starting to get restless again! This seems mental even to me! I know that I am sooo lucky right now living a life in Japan, experiencing this fruitful culture and having the opportunities to travel to other wonderful countries. But being o fortunate makes me greedy! I want to do and see more more more! So this week I decided to bite the bullet and book a birthday holiday! I was debating whether my finances would stretch to cover the trip, but I decided that right now is the ideal time and place from which to be able to go to Thailand. If I go back to England and do my masters, I am no doubt going to incur more rubbish debt and so the likelihood of being able to travel back to Asia in the near future is unlikely. So I booked tickets for myself, jill and Katie to fly to Bangkok on my birthday and return 10 days later! I am really pleased I decided to do so I am looking into what I want to do and where I want to visit. 10 days is so little! I need at least 3 months!

Apart from this fun news, this week was quite normal. I had an elementary visit on tueday that went well. The classes were good although I feel the 6th year class was perhaps too advanced. Their English ability was not so high, which worries me slightly considering 99% of these students are graduating to my JHS in April! That should be fun!

School was good on Monday and Wednesday. I had good lessons and was really busy. Thursday and Friday were not so funky. All the students were having tests so I basically sat in the staff room trying to amuse and busy myself reading, on the internet (before it decided to take the piss and stop working) and watching Lost. I hate days like this as I think about the sleep I could have been having, the exercise I could have been doing and the sunshine I could have been enjoying. I hate doing nothing. i want to work and be challenged!! So in the end I actually left early on Friday due to illness inflicted by boredom.

Anyways… Monday evening I went to tennis, Tuesday I went to the gym for a good session and then I relaxed at home, Wednesday I taught three ladies from taiko English (this was actually better than I expected. The only difficulty being that 2 ladies know next to no English, whilst the other can communicate pretty well, so its difficult planning a class to suit all), Thursday I went to the gym and then straight to Harue for the English class. Friday I went to the gym and then after I got ready to go to a tennis enkai in Morita. There were about 10-15 tennis club members at the rather nice izakaya in Morita. We had a set meal and all you can drink. The food was really nice and not too much which was good. And as for the drink.. the ume shu kept arriving at the table. Which meant that I felt a little bit sick when I felt… luckily I don’t think I embarrassed myself.

On Saturday I had a lazy morning and then I met Jordana for coffee followed by yoga and then sushi. I do love the 100 yen sushi so. On Sunday I had planned to go to the Katsuyama fire festival all day. So I drove over after tennis and met Meagan, Jenne, Jordana and Yoshimi for the wander around the sake factory. Unfortunately we were too late for the guided tour around the actual factory and so we didn’t get to see any sake being made. But it was fun trying the free sake!

After this we had a wander into the town that was decorated with thousands of colourful ribbons hanging over head. They were very pretty. The festival had lots of small platforms dotted around the town with people playing taiko, dancing, playing music and singing. All the people were in great dress and looked fantastic. We then sniffed out the many food stalls an picked our yummies. We met other gaijin on our walk around and we also were given the chance to get on to one of the stages and play the taiko drum! This was fun although free styling was new to me and so I was really nervous! I had intended to spend the whole day at the festival to see the huge fire and the mochi making in the evening, but I wasn’t feeling too sprightly and the coldness was setting in. so I returned to Meagans to have a gander at her funky apartment and a nice cup of tea!

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