I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Friday, March 02, 2007

week 31

Well after the not so exciting and wondrous last week, it was followed by…another pretty low key week! I am trying to save money for my spring vacation and a few events coming up, so that involves laying low a bit.

School was slow again Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I HATE not teaching. Its so boring. Luckily Thursday was really busy. I am doing interview tests with the ni nenseis at the moment which is nice. I am enjoying meeting the kids one on one. Although some of the kids speaking ability is a little worrying! On Friday there were only 2 lessons in the morning followed by graduation practice. Graduation for the san nenseis is next week but we have to do 3 periods of practicing on Friday followed by a whole day of practicing next week. Bear in mind here that the ceremony is only one and a half hours!

I had tennis on Monday and Friday, the gym on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and I had Taiko on Wednesday and tea ceremony on Tuesday. Tea ceremony was really cool, I was dressed in a proper kimono! It took 4 women to dress me, and five others to coo at the big gaijin looking slightly more Japanese than usual! I was made to pose in various positions for my photo to be taken, which was all very entertaining! I had a really fun time and was so appreciative of the effort they had gone to for me. Taiko was also heaps of fun as we are doing new routines where we jump around lots. I feel like my ability has improved quite a bit and I get such a thrill from playing!

On Saturday I woke up late and then went to the gym. This was followed by my favorite activities, 100 yen sushi, shopping and coffee with Bruce, Shari, Matthew and Jill. It was a nice relaxing afternoon…

On Sunday I was up at sparrows fart to go with Mayoumi to Fukui to play in a tennis tournament. Luckily for us the weather was amazing. In fact, it was over 20 deg!! I even got sun burnt, and its only march! There were lots of people and we got to meet Fukui’s number 1 seed. It was a fun day although I didn’t play very well. I got to meet some new people which was really nice. After the tournament ended, Mayoumi and Hitomi twisted my arm to go to the enkai. First we went back to mine to get showered and changed and then we drove back into Fukui. It turned out to be one of the best evenings I have had in a while!! Shin chan and some of the other crazy boys I had met earlier were so funny and it took about 1 drink for them to be drunk and acting like idiots, but funny idiots!! So many people made the effort to try and talk to me in english which was fantastic! I felt really included and had such a laugh. One of the guys I had met ended up passing out on me (from alcohol, not coz I am that boring…) and I got lots of invitations to see people again! It was so much fun! But not good for the night before a new week at school : S

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