I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

week 29

time just keeps zooming!

this week was quite low key after the busy three day weekend.

tuesday- i went to the gym for a long session after school

wednesday- i went to elementary school and encounteres inquisitive children who were intrigued about how western girls have these things called breasts, which the japanese women mostly lack. It was a good session, better than my last time there which was good to know. I felt more in control of the kids and the sessions were better organised. when i got back to school the san nenseis were having a basketball tournament. the kids were really energetic and some of the boys were amazing! it was exciting to watch. and i got to play! there was a teachers match and so i was asked to play, it was cool to have the kids cheering me on and suprised that i have a little coordination and can kinda play basketball! After school i went to taiko which was as fun as ever. i love playing the drums, it really doew make me feel good! I also agreed to teach etsuko, shima and sensei's wife english next week! i dont know if i may live to regret this as they can hardly say two words... it may be fun though!

thursday- after school i went to the gym for another good session and then i met up with matthew, kim, john, bruce and shari to talk about the weekend, as moct people headed to hokkaido for the sapporo snow festival, which i had decided not to go to for various reasons.

friday- after school i played tennis for a while which was fun and i worked up quite a sweat playign against the young dude. after that i drove to fukui to meet some people in a karaoke place (on thursday we had decided that there had been a severe lack of tuneless singing recently, and so the arrangements were made). it was a fun evening drinking countless cups of hot drinks and singing madly to random songs! yay.
saturday- i had a small lie in but i got up to go to the gym which is always fantastic and energizing. after this i got changed and headed over to jill's. after stopping on the way to get a few bits at lpa and the 100yen shop, jill and i went to the 100yen sushi which is now my second home, god i will miss these sushi places back in the uk! we sat, chatted and scoffed for quite a while which was great. i love that african! after suhi we stopped of in a shop i had seen earlier in the week which looked funky. it was really cute, although a little expensive for me. that evening, after some chilling at jills abode, we went to melissa and steven's for a valentines evening. It was a great evening with fantastic food, nice company and fun making valentines cards for one another. it was nice to be relaxed.

sunday- i woke up at 12pm!! yay! it felt soooo good! the day was spent doing very little compared to usual. i played tennis for 2 and a half hours and then i did lots of chores that had to be done. although not too much happened this weekend it was just what the gaijin ordered!

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