I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

week 25

well life has become 'normal' as it were. School is really busy which is good as it makes me feel needed and like im doing well but its also knackering...
this week i played tennis, went for sushi with Jill and Jordana, went to cocos with a bunch of sakai people mainly (bring on the do-ri-n-ku ba-ru!) and i had a pleasant leisurly coffee with miss anderson.

On friday night i drove with Kim south of fukui to Mari's mansion!! we were having another girls night. it was nice to see people after the holidays and catch up with some news, especially with recontraction just around the corner. On saturday i chilled with Jordana in fukui. we went to a temple and to the culture museum too. i always enjoy visiting some local places. in the evening we went with yoshimi to a yoga class. it was ace to do yoga again! it really energised me.

on sunday jordana and i went with her host sister to echizen to a crab and suissen festival!! it sounded random and i wasnt disappointed! it was crazy, we ate gani soba, were given some free suissen by some girls dressed in random outfits. we also had a walk around many of the sellers selling the echizen gani, which were really quite big and some were really expensive too! but it was another one of those fun but random experiences only to be had in japan!!

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