I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Monday, December 11, 2006

week 19

School was fine this week. Had a reasonably busy and fun week of teaching Christmas stuff. Also starting to chat more to teachers that don’t speak English which is really nice. But to be honest this week was pretty calm and not a lot to report. I went to my English class which was good fun to talk to people who care about learning English. I played tennis, ran and I went to a girls night at Steph’s which was fun. I also read the ‘Art of Tea’ book by Osho. I took myself to Starbucks and whilst drinking chai I slipped into my own little world away from the rain and sleet outside. The book was amazing and has given me a lot of food for thought concerning zen.

At the weekend I went running on Saturday and then went with John, Kim and Sarah down to Sabae for Festivus- the gaijin xmas party. Everyone made some kind of food dish and we happily munched on delicious foods for a few hours. It was quite a nice afternoon although very rushed and a bit too crowded. Nevertheless I am pleased I went, especially as lots of people are off on their holidays now. On Saturday night Jordana and Katie came round and we watched Monsoon Wedding which I always love to watch so that I can reminisce! On Sunday jordana and I went to fukui to an event I had heard about on the IC website. It was a lot bigger than I expected. We made postcards of vegetables using ink and water colors which was random but fun, and the outcome was actually quite cool! We then made soba noodles with our stern sensei who kept shouting ‘dame’ at us to inform us that we were rubbish! Oh well I had fun. We then ate some free food which included dishes with barley which was tasty. We then tried our hands at pounding mochi in a big wooden bowl. as honorary gaijin we went first in front of a huge crowd! The purpose behind this FREE event was to celebrate Japanese foods and to remind younger generations of the food struggles after the war. Unfortunately I was feeling really ill and so after a quick stop in uniqlo, I dropped jordana off and went home to bed and watch desperate housewives.

1 comment:

J.Jet said...

There is no way the sensei would have said we were both rubbish. I am sure he was just referring to you :)