I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

week 6

my first week at school....

The students at school spent all week practicing for their Sports festival which is their most important and exciting event in the school year. The students are split into teams and compete in running races, and some other different events. They also make costumes and cheer routines that are judged by the teachers.

I had very little to actually do this week. I made some resources for teaching and planned a few activities and my seolf introduction lesson for all the classes. Ialso spent the time trying to learn some japanese which i felt was quite constructive. Although i made sure i was doing things whilst sitting at my desk, it was a challenge to be practically left on my own, and not being given any jobs to do, or told where and what i should be doing. I did spend time watching some of the children practice their races and cheers but i really wanted to interact which was impossible due to their shyness and being unable to communicate.

On tuesday three children were taken to hospital in ambulances due to the oppressive heat outside whilst they were running through what would happen on the sports day. The teachers response to these ill students was rather odd though. They did not seem concerned, and many in fact were smiling whilst watching the students be lifted into the ambulances. When i spoke to a few about what had happened they said that other schools have to practice a lot more for their sports festivals than these students and so they are lucky. I asked why they couldnt practice in the gym so that the students were not in the direct midday sunlight, and the teachers said that that wasnt necessary and the children had to get use to the heat.

My main accomplishment in the week was convincing Mura Sensei to give me a notice board that i could convert into an english board which will exhibit up to date info on news, entertainment, sport, music, geography etc from england. I thought this may interest the children and make english fun. Mura sensei was suprisingly very positive about the suggestion! From what i have seen so far, i think it will take a lot of time and small hints and suggestions to make the ALT role in my school more active and more creative. I think the english teachers at the school like to use the ALTs as human tape recorders rather than use our knowledge and enthusiasm for teaching english in fun and meaningful ways. But i really do want to try to slowly demolish the boring, formal and stiffled role that i am expected to play, and hope that i am given more responsibility and trust to plan my own activities and lessons.

On thursday evening i led my first adult english class in Harue. Nagata-san drove me to and from the communtiy centre where i taught english to 8 adults. The class was really interesting and inspiring. The adults were all enthusiastic and keen to learn english and they appeared very responsive to my lesson. They have given me lots of ideas for further lessons with them, and i think it will make a welcome change to run lessons where everyone is very enthusiastic to me!

The sports festival was supposed to be held on thursday but to due some really heavy and persistent rain for a few days, it was postponed until friday. The day was boiling, but everyone was excited and ready to perform what had been so comprehensively practiced. I was assigned to the black team and sat cheering them along and taking photos. i wanted to be more involved and asked if there was any role i could fulfill but i was denied the opportunity and told to just enjoy the day. The races were really good. The relays were exciting and the cheers were fantastic to watch. so much effort and time had been put in by the students and teachers to this event, and fun was had by all! Some of the races would have never been permitted in england, but they were really good fun and nobody got injured! Obviously my team easily won the overall competition and received huge tacky gold trophies. Yay!

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