I have now been in Japan for over 10 months. I have been living in a small rural town, and attempting to teach Eigo to Nihon-jins who really can't be arsed. But i have done some awesome travelling and had some amazing experiences!

Monday, August 28, 2006


The most memorable experience in Japan so far is the Mount Fuji trip at the end of week 3. On saturday afternoon, 40 of us took an 8hr bus ride east to Fuji. The bus ride was ok because it gave everyone a chance to chat, catch up and for the A and B group JETs to start to get to know each other, plus everyone was quite excited about climbing Fuji!

We made three stops on the way for drinks and snacks, the last stop though gave us the opportunity for some great photos of the huge mountain. At 9pm we arrived at station 5 of Mt Fuji and got ready to set off on our trek. The first 4hrs of the walk with becca were really quite good. The adrenaline was pumping and the thought of climbing up this 3700ish metre high mountain was spurring. However things got more difficult... unfortunately we were climbing in the busiest period of the year and so at many points we were standing in lines waiting to ascend!! Unexpectedly the ascent to the summit did involve actual climbing up rocks, which was made even more difficult in the dark- and alex didnt have a torch. I expected a man made track all the way up for some reason-no no no. About 100m from the top my heart started to pound and my stomach was churning, so we took a little rest so that altitude sickness didnt set in. Six hours after we started, we reached the summit! It felt great to have reached the top, although for the first time in Japan i was cold! We sat down to rest with tim and chris and were joined by other conquerors too. We sat huddled together drinking steaming coffee out of cans and it was the best coffee i have ever had- although quite expensive, but am i really going to moan at giving more money to the poor sods who have to take the coffee supplies up the mountain?

At about 5.15am we rose to our feet to watch sunrise over Japan. It really was beautiful and we were lucky that it was such a clear morning. The oranges, pinks, reds and yellows that crept up in the horizon were gorgeous. I felt as though i was standing on a different planet looking down at earth. It was quite moving.

After we had watched the great sun arise and shine out over japan it was time to make the descent- something that hadnt really crossed my mind. The descent was horrible!! Probably worse than the climb although it took only half the time. I was tired, getting hotter and hotter, and slipping and sliding down the rock. Not a great game to play after a night with no sleep and climbing a mountain. But we made it and i am so proud and pleased that i climbed the beast! Not sure i'll so it again however!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Miss Aligator after catching up on your adventure thus far I have only one thing to say ... JEALOUS!